Bible Reading Plans

The source of much spiritual dryness in the Christian life can be traced to one simple fact: many Christians do not have a systematic plan of reading through the Bible. In fact, many do not read the Bible at all, unless it is done in a “hit or miss” fashion. We have found that our ability to be faithful in our reading is enhanced if we have a guide, a chart where we can keep track of what we’ve read and where we are in the process.

Below we have several options: you can read through the Bible in one, two, or three years, read through the New Testament in a year, or read one chapter each day—365 of the most important chapters in the Bible. Whichever you choose, be faithful in follow-through. Always read the selection intended for any given day; if you miss a day make that reading up at a later time. Expect to be changed by the faithful and systematic reading of God’s Word!