Celestial Matrix is a crafting material used in Planar Crafted Recipes. They drop randomly from Crafting Rifts. They can also be made from Celestial Motes. Celestial Motes also drop from Crifts, when you have ten motes you can combine them with a Tenebrean Planar Attuner to create a Celestial Matrix. Simply right click your stack of 10 Celestial Motes to combine them.
Celestial Matrixes are used to craft and then upgrade the planar crafted items.
You will need 3 Celestial Matrixes for the initial craft of each item, and then 23 Celestial Matrixes to upgrade each item. This makes a total of 52 Celestial Matrixes for both items .
Celestial Matrixes are a rare drop from the Crifts and you can only earn one Crift lure per week per character. To increase the chances of getting Celestial Matrixes drop, players will group up into a raid of 20, each with their own Crift lure and close the Crifts one after another.
During a full 20 players Crift run, you will loot 2 to 5 Celestial Matrixes on average. Sometimes you may have a bad run, or a very good run! But each rift will at least give some Motes.
When you reach crafting level 500 you can pick up a Weekly Crafting quest in Alittu from ‘R23-JK’ at
/setwaypoint 4032 6360
Only the 7 main crafting skills can pick up these weeklies
You can only pick up a single weekly quest each week, even if you have multiple skills at the right level. You will be given a list of different quests, one for each crafting skill you have, choose the one that you have the most materials for! Once you choose and complete the quest the others will not be available.
Once you have your lure (choose the water one!) you should join a crift raid. These are often advertised in public chat, especially just after the weekly reset.
A crift raid will be 20 people who each bring a crift lure, the lures are then opened one at a time in Ashenfell or VP.
Players use their PA rift summons to move the group quickly to the next crift. When it is your turn to open your lure, leave the current crift at stage 3 and find a tear on the map (You need a normal Blue/White tear, not an Orange Raid tear), go to the tear and open your crift then wait for the reward window to pop up from the previous crift before you summon the raid.
If you can, use an ALT to join the crift raid. The lures are bound to account so you can mail them to your alts. Choose an alt that is at least level 65, if your alt isn’t level 70 yet then make sure you turn sidekicking on.
The reason to use alts is because each crift after the first will cost you an IRC to receive loot, it is better to spend the IRC from an alt and use the IRC on your main for farming TDEM.
You can also train professions to a high level on an alt to get more than one lure a week.
There are two main jobs while running a Crift group.
The first job is to form a group of 20 players that each have a Crift lure. The way to do this is to type ” LFM CRIFT Group – Please link your lure ” in the public chat. Players will then link their lures to you so you can invite them. It helps to also link your own lure in the invite message. Groups will fill quicker on Weds/Thurs, following the weekly reset, you should also take the time into account, groups will fill quicker during peak time.
Once your group is full, do a ready check to ensure all players are still around, then go pop your lure and summon everyone to the rift.
It is now your job to mark up the next rift opener and encourage them to leave the current rift and go pop theirs.
You will need to be alert for the duration of the 20 rifts, ensuring the next opener leaves in a timely manner and knows what they are doing!
The pretty universal way to notify the next rift opener is by marking them with a squirrel and using a raid warning to call them out.
To make this job easier, you can select the next player in the raid and then simply click a macro to mark them and call them out.
mark 17
rw next to pop = %t